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November 30, 2010


There are lots of reasons why I absolutely adore my Mary Kay business. I realize some of you might be sick of hearing them.

Get over it.

Oh wait, did really I write that? Sorry.

Anyway, one of them is the "face time" (pun intended) that I get with women I never in a million years would get otherwise. Women who would never set foot in a church because they're too busy. Because they were mistreated. Because they don't think they need it. Because they just haven't. It's an opportunity to pour into women with the Love of Jesus for an hour or two as they play with makeup and sometimes pour their hearts out. And sometimes not. But no matter what, they sit at my table (or theirs) and get pampered and loved on. At least, that's the goal.

A second thing I love about this business is the women who I get to hang out with and who pour into ME with the Love of Jesus. Last night was our weekly training meeting and it was a little different than usual. The weather was cold and windy so fewer showed up. One consultant's mom was killed in a car accident on Friday, so the meeting practically started with tears and hugs and encouragement. After that, the meeting just got better. And by better, I mean closer, friendlier, more caring and more encouraging.

Kendahl (my good friend and business mentor) shared about someone SHE met by accidentally sending a text message to the wrong number. Here's how the text conversation went over the course of an hour (the summarized version).
"Hi Ashley, I'm Kendahl S. with Mary Kay. You and I have a mutual friend and she has given you with a gift certificate and facial. I look forward to pampering you and will call you tomorrow to set up a time."

"Actually, I'm in the hospital. I think you have the wrong number. I'm not Ashley."

"Oh cookies! Well would YOU like some pampering time? I'd love to extend the same gift to you as well. It takes an hour and I'd be honored to come bless you."

"Thank you so much, but actually, I was just in a car accident and so I'm not able to do that. Please pass it on to someone else."

"Wow! Well, it sounds like you REALLY need some pampering! I can come to you. No need to drive to me. I just want to shower you with love for an hour."

"Thank you, but I really can't, although I would love to. I was crushed in the accident from shoulder to pelvis and have many lacerations and stitches. I'm on complete bed rest and will be here for months. Please just pass it on and PLEASE, tell the ones you love how much they mean to you. You never know what life brings."

"Oh my goodness, well I don't even know your name but I would love to just bless you in this time of challenge. May I bring you some banana bread?"

"It's really ok. You don't have to do that."

"Too late. The Mary Kay way is already in effect. How about just a visit and some real food? Where are you located? What are you family's needs right now?"

"Actually I'm in Ohio. I'm 33 and I have two boys who were with me in the crash. My 8 year old was bruised but walked away. My 10 year old has stitches but aside from that is fine."

"Oh cookies again! Ohio is a long way for banana bread. ...I don't even know your name, but I'd like to send you a care package. Would you mind sharing your address with me? My mind is already swimming with what to send your way."

"My name is Barbie. My address is... But what I'd love most is for you to tell your family how much you love them. Tell them now. Don't delay. They are so important."

"I will do that. I'm 33 also and I have 3 kids - 3, 5 and 7. You are right. I do know that. Alright my friend, a package is coming your way. I'm so happy to know you!"

(Hours later.)

"Good night my new friend. Many Blessings from Ohio."
So our little group of Mary Kay consultants are going to put together the whopping-est package you've ever seen! Kendahl (a Cadillac director) will be mailing it, regardless of size or weight. We're collecting all sorts of things to bless Barbie and her two boys. It's going in the mail Friday morning so I have until Thursday night to get everything to her. Fresh banana bread, Mary Kay product to boost her self confidence, and all sorts of goodies will be on their way to Ohio very soon. If you would like to contribute, please let me know.

Some ideas :
  • toys for two boys, ages 8 and 10
  • gift certificates for take-out food from restaurants in Edison, Ohio 43320
  • a hand-written note of encouragement and prayer
  • gift certificate for a grocery store
  • anything you can think of!
Tonight I am home with MY two boys (ages 1 1/2 and 29). I'm safe and warm and all of us are healthy. I am privileged to bless others and be blessed daily. And I'm praying for a woman across the country who I've never met but who has stolen my heart... named Barbie.