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November 11, 2010

Amazon Boycott - Update

We won! 

Thank you for your support!!! The book has been removed from Amazon's website!  Click here to read the New York Times article detailing the how and when

I have been praying about this issue all day yesterday and through the night and I want to thank all you who have been praying also.  I think action is important, but action not backed by prayer is futile. 

If you have not the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, just read my post from yesterday to get all the skinny on why I was about to flood my friends and family's inboxes with a copy of yesterday's post.  I won't do that (you're welcome) since the issue is now moot.

I do want to say, though, that it'll be a long time before I consider purchasing anything from Amazon or their owned companies.  I'm glad they took the book off, but in my opinion, it never should have been on there in the first place and the fact that it was is reason enough to boycott their online stores for a good long time.  I don't want to support a company that only shows integrity when they are demanded to.  Which, ahem, really isn't integrity anyway. 

I am asking you all to join me in this.  Let's send a message loud and clear that companies that support this kind of material are not welcome on our market.  No Amazon for Christmas. 

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. 
