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April 29, 2010

Our Thursday Morning

This morning at 5 a.m. when Danny woke up crying for the second time last night - yes 5a.m. IS still the middle of the night silly - I nudged my sleepy husband telling him it was his turn and didn't argue when he crawled into bed with our fussy almost ten-month-old.

And because Danny wanted to PLAY instead of SLEEP, I am also am not arguing NOW when he still wants to snooze even though it's past 8a.m. And since he's snoozing and I woke first, I've gotten to watch him wake up slowly and it's cracking me up because he is Just. Like. His. Mother! Ha!

He's been at it for about 15 minutes now. He stretches. He turns. His eyes open and close. Then back to sleep for a few minutes. Then a yawn, a rub of the eyes, a groan, and back to sleep again. He smiles and coughs and peeps at me, but then covers his face and hides back in dreamland.

School mornings when he's 13 are going to be FUN. Or not.

Haha! He just opened his eyes completely, looked over at me and gave me a funny half-smile. And (like his Mama) is totally content to hang out in bed for a few more minutes.

On an entirely different note, my blog has been full of these posts from my phone recently because I've been a teensy bit busy in my Mary Kay business. I'm ecstatic to tell you all that I'm milimeters from my goal of going "on target" to earn the use of a Mary Kay car AND to enter the program to become a director. (I wrote about it back in March - I'm sorry I can't insert page links from my phone.) I'm hoping to let ya'll know later today that it's official.

Well, Danny is about done with his breakfast in bed, and since mine isn't lying next to me, I better sign off and take my growling tummy downstairs. I'll be back soon with the official news, and with great pictures of a visit from Grammy this weekend.
