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July 11, 2011


Today's a big day at our house.

Alejandro (with the help of a friend) is re-roofing our house. I put Danny down for a nap in the basement - as far away from the pounding and banging as possible - but it still woke him up halfway through naptime. Chilly (because it's NICE here in the basement) and disoriented, Danny woke up upset and so we curled up on the couch together. My intent was to let him fall back to sleep on the couch and then creep away, but when he plopped his head right in my lap, I realized that here I am, and here I will be, until naptime is over.

I'm not entirely disappointed. It's cool and quiet and I'm sleepy.

Unfortunately, I'm also SWAMPED. In addition to a house that's being re-roofed (and therefore interrupted nap schedule and a little boy who wants nothing but to be with the boys working and throws fits when he's not and random errands to get caulking or sky lights or what not) my schedule is also full up to the hilt with facials. Plus I have started tutoring a few hours each week (I forgot how much I love this! All the joy of teaching without the schedule, politics or stinky parents) and I have a student preparing for the ACT exam (cramming is more like it) who wants my every spare second. So I am trying to find a tween babysitter who wants extra income. I might have one... Firming up details.

Add to that the fact that I'm leaving for a four day conference, we have guests coming to town for a night, and we're taking our family out of town for 3 days for a wedding. All in the next 3 weeks. Yeah. SWAMPED.

Oh, AND I have a wonderful friend throwing a garage sale to raise money for her family's ministry ( - They do free family worship nights here in town.) so I'm cleaning out our house and rounding up items to donate.  Do you have any items you'd like to donate?  If so, just email me.

So I'd sort of like to be able to get up and work.

Sort of.

I mean it's REALLY cool and REALLY nice down here.

Oh wait! I just slipped out from under him! And he DIDN'T WAKE UP!

Off to work for me... Stay cool, ya'll.