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February 24, 2011

Skype with Me, Mckmama & the Garmaam Village

YOU are invited to my house tomorrow night!!

Yep, I might be totally out of my mind but the entire internet world is invited over for a potluck dinner tomorrow night!  As I wrote the other day, Alejandro and I have joined Garmaam's extended village through GHNI.  My friend Jennifer, (a.k.a. Mckmama) has made this all possible through her blog and her trip to Ethiopia with GHNI.

Not only is this the first time an online community as adopted a village through GHNI but it's also the first time they've attempted to do a live video conference call with an adopted village.  Friday night, (well for Mckmama and the team it will be very early Saturday morning) the team will drive to the remote village of Garmaam.  At 8:30 p.m. our time, which is sunrise in Garmaam, using satellite technology, the call will begin (barring any complications like a flat tire or who knows what else!).

I would absolutely love for you to join us!  Whether you comment often or you've been lurking and I don't even know you, if you are here in Colorado Springs or the surrounding areas, please come join us tomorrow night!  We'll enjoy the internationally-themed potluck dinner at 6:30pm - although if international intimidates you and down the street is about as international as you get, well, just cook up your favorite main or side dish and bring it on over.  Oh, and please do RSVP to me so I know how many are coming.  Let me know if you need my address and/or directions too.

I hope to see you soon!!

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