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November 4, 2009

Missy's Baby Shower

Apparently, somewhere in the deep recesses of my soul, Martha Stewart has implanted a bit of her inspiration.

Er. Um. Ok, maybe not.

But whatever the case, when my good friend, Melissa asked me to throw her baby shower, I was ecstatic! Ecstatic because I just love this woman to death! And ecstatic because I LOVE doing life with our families together. :)

So imagine my increased excitement when the Martha-Stewart-Inspiration hit me in full force several nights before the party was to be thrown!

Here are the results. First we have the dining room table decorated with all the goodies...

A picture of Caleb welcomed everyone on their way in.
Then there was the oh-so-delicious red velvet cake. Yes, it was as good as it sounds. No, I SO did not make that from scratch. That was courtesy of the Walmart bakery, but it was amazingly scrumptious.

We started Caleb's college savings fund.

And everyone got the cutest name-tags, to which we attached our baby pictures, after playing a who's-that-baby guessing game.

All of my old dolls sat in the Pac-n-Play in the living room.

This was not for the torturing of guests by having to look at the ugly terribly old dolls from Renee's childhood. (Can't call my childhood babies ugly... They are still too near and dear to my heart. Even though my husband thinks they're hideous.) This was for the cloth-diapering race. That's right! We raced to see who could diaper the stuffed bear the fastest and the best. It was definitely one of my two favorite moments of the party... I only wish I'd caught it on camera.

Melissa was totally showered by love, gifts, laughs and fun...
And I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all of her girlfriends!

This little guy, Zander, came with his mommy, Andrea.

And my little guy joined us for part of the time too.

Our big guys hung out with a movie downstairs... and came and stole goodies and cake when I let them.

We had a great time! My other favorite moment that we didn't catch on camera was when we gathered around Melissa and prayed over Caleb. What a blessing! Melissa, you have great girlfriends who love God and love you. Thanks for such a fun time! I love you! We can't wait to meet your little guy soon!!


Mrs. Valente said... looks like you had such a good time!

Melissa said...

It was wonderful! Thank you so much for all your hard work - it was so awesome and I love and appreciate you so much! :-)