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November 9, 2009

I'm not competitive

On Saturday, Alejandro and I went mountain biking.

At first it was definitely a challenge. I usually spend the first ten minutes of every biking work-out sucking air and gulping water like there's no tomorrow.

But after the first ten minutes half hour, I really started to enjoy myself! I have gained a lot of balance since the last time I tried to get on that bike. Oh, and I think I've lost ten pounds since then. That might have helped.

By the way, I seem to be "stuck" at the 12 lb mark of my diet. I've lost 8 of the 20 I vowed to lose. (Rememer way back forever ago when I posted that I was going on a diet? Yep, still workin' on it.) But those last 12 seem to be stubborn.

Anyway, biking Saturday was a much more fun experience than two months ago.

At the end of the ride, I came huffing up a hill, giving the last of my energy to finish the ride well, and then pooped my way in circles around the parking lot while sucking air and trying to keep my lungs from exploding and my legs from turning to jello. I was sweating buckets.

About two minutes after I came up the hill in such a graceful and regal fashion, another guy came up the hill behind me mimicking my every move. He was huffing just as hard, and sweating just as much.

I think I sat a little taller.

"Oh yeah!?" I thought, "Well, I just gave birth four months ago, gained 55 lbs and lost 42 of them!! So there!" (Tongue stuck out.) "I win."

I did manage to keep this childish little bragging session in my mind.

I just saved it for all of you! Isn't that nice of me?


Feris said...

I love to go mountain bbiking, but I hardly ever go :(

I loved the last part of your post... and let me tell you neither I'm competitive at all lol

Melissa said...

You?? Competitive?? Nah.... ;-)

Mrs. Valente said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the title of this post!:)