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October 27, 2011

The View

Up until this morning, our street looked like this.

Today?  It looks like this.

I love it!  Both are so beautiful, I can't decide which I like better.  Which is good, because in a few days it'll be back to looking like Fall around here.

I was completely resolved to go to bed early tonight.  I had it all planned out.  Enough of this 1 a.m. stuff. Time for some balance.

Then my husband started making homemade cheese and pulled out the wine.

Now it's 12:30 a.m. and I'm still sitting here.  It is entirely his fault and I take no responsibility for any of it. I'm ruined.  

Oh, and he said he wouldn't share the recipe either.  Feel free to call him a meany-head on Facebook.  I give you permission.