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October 17, 2011

Our neighbor has an apple tree. 

Therefore, we have APPLES.  Lots.

So last week for our date night, we stayed up until 1 a.m. 

Alejandro made apple pie from scratch.  The crust and everything.  
Seriously?  What guy does amazing stuff like that.  He's so cool.  

He insisted I zoom in on the caramel-ish juicy stuff in the pie before he covered it and put it in the oven.

I made apple preserves. 

And then Alejandro made this scrumptious invention with leftover pie dough.  There's turkey, cheese and butter in that thing.  Holy Moley was it uh-may-zing.


It was definitely one of the best date nights ever.

Or at least, one of the most delicious.  ;-)

{Look for the recipes over at MiCocina shortly.  
Or, ok, have lots of patience with me, 
while I get around to posting them, 
but I do promise I will.  I promise.}