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March 4, 2011

Food On My Mind

Well, after three days of being sick (and today was the worst) I think I may be rounding the corner.  The fact that it's past midnight and I'm still up is definitely evidence of my return to normalcy.  Now, to set the alarm so that I can make sure the sleeping patterns return to normal as well.

Tonight my bloggy efforts were all focused on food.  (My appetite must be returning as well.)  I spent quite a bit of time in Mi Cocina, sharing some of my favorites.

Let's see, there's homemade chicken noodle soup.

Banana bread.

The most amazing pancakes ever.  (It's not bragging if it's true.  These are the ones I was raving about on Twitter a week or so ago.)

A recipe straight from my Costa Rican mother-in-law mother-in-love's kitchen:  
Picadillo de Papa.

And my favorite salad combination at the present moment.

You can find these and many other recipes over at

Photobucket  <---- Just click.

Let's see... What else did I work on tonight?  Oh yeah, I joined the BlogFrog community.  That's sort of exciting, I guess.

Oh, and I'm working on a 35 by 35 list.  Thirty five things I want to do before I turn 35 years old.  Which is three years from Wednesday, just in case you were curious.  Yep.  I'm 32 on Wednesday.  Eek!  I've decided I want to save up for a really nice camera for my birthday, so if you send me birthday money (ahem) you know that's what it will be going towards.

I started writing a "Dear Danilo" post for his 20-month birthday which passed a few days ago.  They are getting harder and harder to write, as he is doing more and more.  I want to capture every bit of his personality and put it in a box to pull out for years to come.  Especially his giggle.  Lord, have mercy, his giggle.

Alright, that's enough for now.  Enjoy all that cooking I shared with you!


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