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October 28, 2010

Why I Blog

The boys are sleeping late in rare form this morning

so while they snooze next to me (at almost 11 a.m.), I thought I'd take some time to do one of my favorite things.  Blog.  (I know you all are so surprised.)  Somebody (ahem, yours truly) forgot to turn the heater on last night before bed, so none of us had a very good night's sleep.  At about 7 a.m. we pulled Danny and his popsicle toes into bed with us and we've been here ever since.  I'd post the picture of them both sleeping, but if I did that I'd be in BIG trouble.  Ha!

The other day my Dad asked me in the comments section of a previous post HOW I blog and WHY I blog. They are really two different posts, so you can count on part 2 coming soon, but for today I thought I'd tackle the first part.

I wrote about why I blog here but of course why I started blogging and why I keep blogging are two entirely different things.

I was introduced to blogging by my good friend Sarah over at Kingdom Twindom. I wrote all about her yesterday. I started reading her blog long ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. What I liked best about it then was the "scrap book" of sorts that had evolved online of her family and the journeys God takes them on.

Fast forward to Fall of 2009 when I was pregnant with Danny. We live a 17-hour-drive away from my family and 7-hour-flight away from my husband's family so needless to say, I found myself emailing lots of pictures to many. I only did that once or twice before deciding to streamline the process with a website of my own. Hence, my blog was born.

Well, the old one was. About a year later I switched to Blogger. I did try Wordpress and found it complicated and hard to figure out. I understand that Wordpress gives you many more freedoms and options but I didn't have the patience for it. Anyway, this rabbit trail is more suited for the "How I Blog" post, so I'll leave it at that for now.

So my blog started purely as a way to document our history through stories and pictures. I love to write and I'm sort of (ahem) opinionated so I found myself sharing my thoughts about more than just my family. As I learned more about how to blog, I did more creative stuff to my blog layout and to each individual post. I fell in love with the creative outlet.

Why I continue to blog today... Well, it's a combination of things. The fact that a creative outlet can be realized through my love for writing blended with my love for training and sharing publicly and my passion for influencing others for Christ is just too much to pass up for more than a day or so at a time. It's my meat and potatoes, so I try to write here often. The fact that it blesses others to be able to catch up with my family and watch Danny grow is just gravy. The fact that someday he will be able to look back in detail at his infant and childhood years is the cherry on top (or maybe the sour cream over the gravy, to stick to the same analogy).

Other things I like about it: I have formed and deepened friendships through blogging. My IRL* friends read my blog know me better because I write here about things I think but don't talk about. I even tell my husband to read if he hasn't for a couple of days, because of the depth of stuff I share here, that just doesn't come up in regular conversation.  I also love that my best girlfriends have gotten to connect with each other by writing and commenting. And last... well, I heard it said once that when your great passion meets the world's great need through one of your biggest talents, that is when you've found your calling.  It is truly my hope and prayer that this blog meets some needs out there. 

*In Real Life

So there you go! WHY I blog. Anyone wanna try it? Come back soon and I'll tell you HOW.