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October 26, 2010

A Cheer Up Post

Well, I was going to sit down and write a post in response to my Dad's question about why I blog and how I blog.  Those two posts are coming.

But then I jumped over to Sarah's Kingdom Mama's blog, and saw that she had had a terrible horrible no good really bad day.  Add to that, the fact that as I was composing the "Why I Blog" post earlier this afternoon, I almost went down a rabbit trail about 1,500 words long about all the ways this lady has changed my life. 

So I decided (in true bloggy friend fashion) this was a more appropriate post.  I was going to save it for her birthday, but, well... that's just WAY too far away. 

I knew Kingdom Mama first as Sarah, when we met in the grocery store a mile from my house.  It was quite a story, but you should really read her version.  I liked her from the moment her twin-filled tummy drew my curiosity, but I had no idea at the time that the friendship that would be born over lasagna and a room filled with all four of her babies would alter my life so much.  And yes, they were all babies at one time. 

Sarah inspired me to blog.  Then she taught me to blog.  She may not know it, but her writing shapes mine.  She helped me discover one of my greatest loves in a new fresh way - writing. 

Then I watched her parent her little ones and learned during our visits to their tiny mountain town, when we slept on their living room floor.  I learned a lot

I have listened read as she tells her story hundreds and hundreds of times to anyone who will listen.  I love how her incredible passion for marriage oozes out in between each word every time she tells it. 

I remember knowing them when their marrige almost fell apart.  (Although I didn't know it then.)  Alejandro and I always felt a special bond with Papa Bear and Kingdom Mama. 

When I got pregnant, she reminded me I was normal despite my total emotional fall-aparts. 

Kingdom Mama, Baby Bear, Danny, Renee
(The little ones just hadn't made their appearances yet.)

Then, when it was time for Danny's world debut, she was there to catch the whole thing on camera

She prays with me in my moments of self-disgust and weak faith.  She coached me through figuring out Babywise with Danilo.  She listens and then (somehow without condemnation) shows me exactly where my attitude is wrong and then points me back to the cross.  Following her direction is easy, because the imprints of her knees are already at the foot of it. 

Without Sarah in my life, well, I'd be quite a different person. 

So, Sarah, on this terrible horrible no good very bad day, just know that I'm sending God prayers of praise and thanks for you.  :)  I hope this cheers you up, lady. 

Love you,