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October 13, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

How we're doing and how Danny's growing...

October is always challenging for us.  It's a month full of celebration and special events and it's when the weather turns and there seems to be a last big effort to get outside and enjoy the weather before it gets cold.  Today was cold and rainy and it was finally time to turn our heater on. 

For us, October means Alejandro's birthday and our anniversary.  Add to that an annual Mary Kay retreat (which is where I was this past weekend) and it becomes a very full month very fast. 

This year I'm having many mixed emotions.  Things feel very uncertain in our household since the income to pay next week's bills usually doesn't show up until this week.  Don't get me wrong.  We've never lacked for our needs, but some days are easier to have peace and trust than others.  Today is a tougher day.  Turning on the heat means higher bills and a part of me is worried about how we'll make it through the holidays and if that will mean less work for Alejandro.  I have done the holidays with my Mary Kay business many times, so I'm pretty certain of how it will be...  As long as I'm consistent, so is the business.  But Alejandro's in a brand new situation.  And as I said before, some days are easier to trust Him than others. 

It's an interesting dichotomy to live in.  My Mary Kay business is flourishing and I'm so blessed by all of you who are a part of that!  Last month my team compeleted our company's first month (of four) of qualification for a Mary Kay car.  My goal is for us to finish next month so by December, with God's hand of favor, we'll be celebrating a big victory!  What I am MOST excited in that is how that will impact my team's lives and how those women will be blessed and challenged and stretched and immersed in a whole new life of abundance!  They are such an incredible group of ladies!  I love them dearly and I think it's amazing to see how God is molding my heart into the heart of a true leader whose most important passion is to love and serve her team.  I am certainly not perfect at it.  I have a lot to learn.  But I am so blessed. 

Danny is growing like a weed and challenging me every day.  My patience is tested so much more now.  He is just SO very smart!  And I fall for a lot.  Please pray for me as a mom.  I struggle to teach him to pray before meals.  He loves to pray with his Papa but the last two days he yells when I hold his hands to pray.  I've been a wimp about insisting on his morning reading time in his crib.  (It's a half-hour of down time that he can be awake but stay in his crib and read or play with stuffed animals.)  And as a wqman who grew up with one sister...  I gotta admit that I think his Daddy is WAY better at playing with him than I am.  The onset of cold weather worries me a little because it means we're stuck inside a lot more.  Or at least it requires much more creativity and bundling up to make it outside. 

This is kind of a whiny post. 

I'm just feeling challenged tonight and writing about it gets it off my chest and helps me process through it. 

Danny's tossing and turning in the other room.  His pajamas are too small.  I don't know if that's really what's waking him.  But it is seriously time for some new pajamas.  And some more new diaper covers and diapers.

Hang on.  He's up again. 

...Ok, I just went in and changed him out of his pajamas into a pair of 18 month footed pjs.  I was sure they'd be too big.  Nope.  They fit perfectly.  Anybody know any great consignment shops in Colorado Springs?  Or does anyone have any 18 month boy clothing they want to pass along? Sigh... 

He's 18 lbs and 28.5 inches long now.  Which means it's officially time for the new car seat.  Actually he's doesn't quite meet the weight requirement for the new seat.  He's long and lanky.  But he definitely meets the height requirement and he's way too big for his infant carrier.  Finally!  So tomorrow I get to wrestle with a new car seat.  Oh joy! 

Oh, and he's up to the 13th percentile for his height and weight, which is a big improvement upon the -1 percentile he was in several months ago!  Good job little buddy! 

I hope you are all enjoying a restful night.  I'm going to go join the rest of you in dream land now.  Good night!