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June 3, 2010

You might wanna skip this post.

Just warning you.  I'm depressed.  So this post is depressing. 

This morning I nursed Danny for the last time. 

So I'm emotional.  And hormonal. 

And the only other person it this house is whining and crying to me so, you know...  ya'll are all I've got. 

I was hoping for a nice long nursing session in which Danny really settled in and drank for a long time and got drowsy and milk drunk and sleepy.  I should've known better.  He's been less and less interested (because he's getting less and less) for the last week.  Actually, for the last two months.  So today was super anticlimactic and now I just miss those times 6 months ago when he would drink and drink and drink and we could snuggle.  You know, back when I was tired of nursing all. the. time. 

The grass is always greener, right? 

So my emotional hormonal self just decided to get online to whine and complain to ya'll.  At least now you know I'm normal and I'm not always positive, upbeat and inspiring.  You know, as if you didn't know that already

My vitamin is too huge and makes me gag.  I want to be a morning person but I'm really not so I beat myself up about it.  I really want to eat waffles slathered in butter but now I know way too much about calories and nutrition because of this amazing woman and so I'm having a breakfast shake.  I'm late posting Danny's eleven-months pictures.  Again.  I'm behind on Mi Querida Biblia reading.  Again.  My left excyma-surrounded eye is driving me crazy and I'm ready to scratch it off.  And I'm not looking forward to four loads of laundry today. 

There.  Now I've gotten it all off my chest and I'm ready to turn my attitude around.  I'm going to go plan my day, spend some time with my Heavenly Father, take off my morning socks and stare at my bright red freshly pedicured toes and get excited about my trip to San Diego tomorrow! 

Thanks for listening reading!