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June 11, 2010

11 Months

Dear Danilo,

I just can't believe how much of a little boy you are and how much of a baby you are not. It can't be possible that we're already planning your first birthday party.

No way.


You're working on crawling these days.  You can get to hands and knees from sitting and vice versa like a pro.  You've attempted army crawling but you haven't really gotten the hang of it.  You usually go backward more than forward, and only once you dragged your knees forward a few inches across the carpet.

You were going after my cell phone. 


You're not walking yet at all, which is just fine with me.  I don't know what I'm going to do when you can scoot fast around the house. 


You've got two bottom teeth and two on top. Two more on top are coming in.  That means you drools like a faucet and we're back to three outfits a day. 

You love books, not that you really read them yet.  But you love to turn the cardboard or cloth pages.  You also loves putting things into other things.  You know "adios" and tonight you waved when we said it.  You usually do, if you're in the mood, that is. You love red and anything canine.  You haven't caught onto signing "please" yet.  I'm still holding out.  You'll take a pacifier if it's offered, but you go for your thumb whenever your pacifier isn't more readily available than your thumb.  Which is always. 


You love soy milk and you are no longer nursing at all.  Weaning was incredibly easy, which I am now thankful for, even though I was whining about it in this post.  And you did give me the long, sleepy, milk-drunk last nursing session that I craved.  Even though it was at four in the morning.  I'll take it.  Thanks!  That was an unexpected treat. 


Grandpa Shaun put it well when he said (thickly laced with sarcasm):  "If only he were just a little bit more happy!"  As if that were possible! 

I love you, my almost-1-year-old!

