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June 23, 2010

Praising and Shouting from the Rooftops!!

Wow, I just got THE BEST EMAIL EVER from my mother-in-law, Fanny!  I'll try to paraphrase: 

She writes, "Hi my loves... Nothing here still.  Angie (my sister-in-law) is still only one centimeter dilated so they sent her home from the hospital to wait more.  So, you're not an uncle or aunt yet...  haha!!" 

SO exciting!!

Ok, she continues, "I took Freddy to his appointment and he has gained over 14 pounds and his hemoglobine is at 10, which is very good!" 

Wahooo!!  So by this point, in reading through the email I'm SUPER excited! 

She goes on, "Would you believe that Freddy is insisting that we start a group in our home to read and study the Bible and to pray!?" 

Oh my goodness, REALLY!?  We've been praying for this for YEARS!!

Fanny then wrote... "The only people I could think of to lead it was you two but I guess that's not possible.  But imagine how wonderful it would be if you two were the people who could teach us to study the Bible.  Oh well, I will find someone here.  Someone who can come once a week and lead the study...  It would be great if it was you guys because then I could take care of Danilo!  How great would that be, truly!?" 

Um...  Ok, do you even know how badly I want to get on a plane right now?! 

I apologize for the incredible excessiveness of exclamations marks in this post, but I just cannot contain myself!  Alejandro and I have prayed for this kind of softening of his father's heart since I lived there 8 years ago. 

Praise the Lord who can do ALL THINGS!