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September 15, 2011

Getting Back Up Again

Mary Anne Radmacher said, "Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, 'I'll try again tomorrow.'"

Ann Voskamp said, "When you're in covenant with Christ, it's His responsibility to cover your cracks, to be all your competency and completeness."  Thank Goodness.

Today's a get-back-up-again type of day.  It's a do-the-next-thing sort of day.  It's a I'll-try-again day.

It's a day in which I have to remind myself that even if I don't like myself, God does.  And that it's okay to not like myself every single day.  But I do have to love myself.

Nothing major or earth-shattering is wrong at our house.  It's just one of those days.  And I felt like sometimes you all need to know that I have them too.  Days when everything I've done wrong or not done well enough or not done at all is staring me in the face.  Days when the enemy whispers and I listen.  Days when extending grace is challenging because I am having a hard time receiving the Grace extended to me.

It's just a day.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

In fact, this afternoon could be a whole new day in itself, if I decide to allow God to work that in my heart.  No need to wait 'till sunrise.  Ya'll can start a diet in the middle of a bag of potato chips (thank you Mary Kay Ash) and (praise Him) so can I.  It's 2 p.m. and today's been going on for a while, but I think I'm gonna go shower again (or at least change my clothes), redo my hair, and start over with praise music and a fresh cup of peach tea.  With lots of sugar.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.