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February 27, 2013

Rough Week

I don't know why it's so hard for me to share bummer news here. It didn't used to be. Maybe it's because I've gotten out of the habit of writing here regularly, so I feel like everything I have to write needs to be upbeat or inspiring or at least funny.

This has been one of the hardest weeks for me in a long time.

Danny and I flew home from California, without Alejandro, about a week and a half ago. His work was not done, and we'd been there for two solid months, having a wonderful time with family, but missing doctors appointments and my chiropactor and preschool and my work at jazzercise and tutoring and friends and church and clothes that fit and my bed. So we kissed goodbye for a short time and the two of us came home.

Upon returning, there was a flurry of activity and lots of readjustment, a Jeep to fix, and doctors appointments to catch up on, but by the end of last week, when I hadn't caught up on my energy even though I'd caught up on sleep and activities, I knew something was wrong. I was WAY TOO TIRED.  I mentioned to some friends that I "felt anemic," even though I didn't know what that felt like.

On Sunday morning, after restng in a recliner for 20 minutes, I realized I was still out of breath, so I called the fantastic on-call nurses and made my way to the hospital.

Turns out, I am, in fact, anemic.  :(


Anemia is one thing, but anemia 7 1/2 months pregnant is a whole different animal.  I don't ever remember being this tired in my entire life.  Not even right after Danny was born.  And of course, it doesn't help that I'm on my own for a few more days still and my sweet little boy misses his Papa like crazy and is having a rough time of it.

So, would y'all pray?  That this iron I'm on kicks in quicker than usual. That Alejandro is able to get home REALLY  soon... or at least that the time would pass quickly.  That Danny's little heart is comfort and his spirit is lifted and that he's infused with an extra measure of obedience and helpfulness.  That Baby Boy stays healthy and strong - if kicks are any indication, he's doin' just fine. And that God encourages my tired heart and gives me wisdom about how to pace myself through daily activities like showering, cooking, and daily errands, which suddenly feel like olympic events.

Thanks everybody.  I appreciate it.
