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June 12, 2011

Mckamping Trip Story #2

Hi everybody!  I'm here in California enjoying a weekend with my family and some down time away from work and home, as well as some time to write, take loads of pictures and edit them!  I've had a blast going back through photos from the Mckmama Camping trip a few weekends ago and am finally able to post them!  Saturday afternoon a bunch of us (some who were camping and some who were not) met at Cherry Creek State Park and spent time with new and old friends!  

I got a chance to meet sweet Stellan.  It really brought back a flood of memories from the time when he was in the hospital with SVT and how amazing it was when he became free from that.

Of all the Mckiddos (ha! Mckiddos!!) Danny is the closest in age to Stellan and the two bonded over trains.

This is Charmian's little girl, Alessandra.  Is that tutu not the cuties thing ever!?

Danny parked himself at the base of the faucet and played in the water as much of the afternoon as we would let him.

Big Mac smiled with his Mckmama for a picture.

The campground was just a beautiful place to play and hang out, even if it was a little chilly.

The boys?  They got out the go-cart and rode circles around the campground.

I have no idea how he got into that thing, and he sure had a hard time getting out!

But not before he and Danny ride (slowly) around together.

Us girls... we just gabbed and got to know each other's families.

There was the most fabulous kake involved!!  No, that's not a typo.  Karina's kake is uh-may-zing.  If you live in Colorado and you need a cake, call her.  Now.

Group picture!  (Well, of most of us.  And the cooler.  I shoulda' moved it.  Oh well.)

As the evening grew late and the sun dropped lower, we huddled under Happy Wheels II's awning and talked about kids and potty training and kids and diapers and kids and kids and more kids.  I mean we ARE mommy bloggers, so what did you expect?

All I gotta' say is that next time we all camp together, ya'll have GOT to come!  It was SO fun!!