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March 19, 2013

33 1/2 Weeks

You know you're getting close to the end when you start counting half-weeks.  Or maybe you're just getting desperate.  But in any case, we've got just 6 weeks and 2 days left until Baby's due date.

If I look exhausted in this picture, it's because I am. Ha!  Oh, and because I had just rolled out of bed and thrown on my workout clothes and decided I should get a belly picture while I had the black tank top on, before it had sweat rings under the arms.

I'm so glamorous.   

Don't worry.  Beautiful, glowy, energetic-looking maternity pics are coming soon.  ;)  We had our family maternity photo shoot this week, and I am SO EXCITED about how fantastic they came out!  

We've gotten back into the daily routine of Jazzercise or pre-school in the mornings, naps in the afternoon, and tutoring or family time in the evening.  Danny's behavior has finally settled down after all the travel, and he's back to being the sweet, even-keel kiddo that I know and love.  He's super-duper excited about his baby brother, and he seems to intuitively know that the time is coming soon.  He talks about him often, and when we got a baby-bouncer seat from a friend of mine and pulled out the bumbo for anther friend who came over to visit, Danny confiscated both items. They are now in his room, with his own baby blanket in them, which he calls his "baby-brother-blanket."  Yesterday, at our photographer's house, he and her little girl were playing and Danny was pushing a baby doll around in a stroller.  I LOVE seeing him so excited!!

My energy is up some, but definitely not "normal," and I don't really expect that to change until Baby's born, despite the crazy amounts of iron I'm taking.  I've also started to have pretty swollen hands, ankles and face when I'm hot or tired, which is often.  So far, it's manageable, but I have to admit that I'm nervous, since swelling got pretty out of control at the end of my pregnancy with Danny.  

Baby doesn't seem to have "dropped" yet.  He moves often, when I'm still, with little rolls of an elbow or stretches of an arm or leg.  Several weeks ago, he was head down, his spine to my belly button.  I don't really know if that's still the case, although I believe his head is down.  

It's just a waiting and a preparing game now...  Time to start re-arranging furniture, I think!