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December 12, 2012

The One Where Danny Picks His Nose On Stage

There is nothing quite like the Christmas season when you have a preschooler in your home. The world of Christmas parties and tiny vests with dress shirts and Christmas programs and school-made gifts has been opened to us.  I must admit... it's a bundle of fun that I'm so glad we're not missing.  Our decision to put Danny in a church preschool has been confirmed over and over this year.  

So one morning, we took the day off, pulled out the 3T dress shirt, and watched him join the throng of singing 3 year olds on stage.  

Now, our son is not a nose-picker.  I'll just have you know that.  But what is the first thing he did upon reaching the front row on stage?

Yup.  Nicely done, son.  Nicely done.  

Then proceeded the songs about Mary and the Baby...

...and praises to our Savior, 

amidst confused looks and total forgetfulness, despite the fact that the dear teachers have lived and breathed these songs with their throng for the past four weeks.

Oh, the cuteness kills me! 

Then off to the classrooms, where we packed four times the 
fire-coded amount of people into a tiny room for stories, 

(No really.  He IS praying.  Can't you tell??) 

cuddles with Papa on the rug, 

and cake.  Let's not forget the cake! 

Danny presented to us his Christmas gift, wrapped in a 
personally decorated snow monster man bag. 

Oh, eat my heart out, if that isn't the cutest thing you ever have seen! 

Then Danny presented home-made gifts from our family to his teachers. 

It was a fun, fun morning with our little man!  :)  
Merry Christmas, everyone!