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November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I think sometimes the very best holidays are the ones for which I have super low expectations and few and totally flexible plans.  It was just the three of us this year.   Alejandro is slammed with work - praise God! - so we needed to stay here in town.  Plus he's building a shed in our back yard, and we're under a crunch to get it done, so we figured today is as good as any.


If you had told me yesterday that I'd spend the majority of the morning cooking on my own while the boys were in the back yard, I would have been bummed.  But actually a quiet morning with the house to myself was SO WONDERFUL!! And Danny sorely needed some time to get dirty and build with his Papa.


I love that we got to wake up when we wanted, stay in our grubby clothes, cook at my own speed without the pressure of a crowd arriving, eat when we wanted, and just be us.


Danny was pretty darn excited about the sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top.  And yes, we gave him a real champagne glass with apple juice in it.  He thought that was pretty darn cool too.


Pardon me while I admire the cutest kid on the face of the planet.


The meal didn't disappoint.  Here's a link to all of the good food we made. Soon I'll be adding the dinner rolls recipe to it.

I hope you all enjoyed an equally delicious and fun day of feast and celebration!


  Día de la Acción de Gracias

Pienso que a veces, los feriados más divertidos de todos son los para que tenemos muy pocas esperanzas y los planes son muy simples y flexibles.

November 19, 2012

Rest For Your Soul

Lately, Danny has been getting over the crud. Actually I keep thinking he's over it and then it just drags on and on.  And on.  And on and on.  Which is why we call it the crud.

And he's been behaving absolutely horrifically because, of course, he's miserable.  And really you can only spoil a sick child for so long before he becomes spoiled rotten and then you have to undo what you've done and had no intention of doing in the first place, but just kept at it and after 3 weeks of sick and spoiled you realize you've completely ruined every bit of behavior training you've done since he was born.

Ok maybe I'm being a little dramatic.  But honestly, that's where we're at.  We're fixing and healing.  

I'll be SO GLAD when we're past this.

Anyway, along with the spoiling and ruining has come about the ruining of bedtime routines - among which is going to sleep by himself.  He has (from about 6 weeks old) put himself to sleep and so we've never been the sit-by-the-bed-until-he's-snoring kind of parents.  Well, until now.  Until sick. Just a few minutes ago, as I was sitting by him with my head on his not-so-comfy toddler rail with my eyes closed, encouraging him to sleep - practically by example - I got to thinking.

Only after 10 minutes of negotiating, arguing, ordering, accommodating pillows and blankets, laying down, and getting back up for one more thing, and laying back down again, did he finally settled in with his head on this afternoon's pillow of choice and his brand new "grabber jammies" (pajamas with an excavator on them). He proceeded to squinch his eyes shut, pull his shoulders up to his ears and tuck his fists tightly into his chest.  This is what laying down to relax and go to sleep looks like for a 3 year old little boy.  For me it looks like a workout, but whatever.  He started with his muscles taut and his eyes scrunched and opened his eyes every 2.342 seconds to make sure my eyes were still closed.

30 seconds passed.  I breathed deeply.  He breathed deeply.  His shoulders dropped.

Another 60 seconds passed.  My eyes and face relaxed (well as much as possible, leaned up against that not-so-comfy toddler rail).  His face relaxed.

Another 30 seconds and his arms and fists had loosened.

And 3 minutes later, his breathing slowed, his lips relaxed into that kissable stuck-out pucker, and he was out like a light.

This mommy enjoyed all five minutes of watching his body slowly relax and his mind cautiously give in to the blissful rest that I'd been telling him he needed for the last hour.  And boy does he need it.  Deep down I think he really wants it and enjoys it and he admittedly feels better afterwards when I ask him.  But boy does he FIGHT IT.

I think our Heavenly Papa must giggle at us the same way.  He calls us to obey Him. He tells us in His word why it's so much better His way.  He shows us examples of how it works out better when we obey and he begs, draws us in, woos us toward Himself, commands and promises reward for obedience to him.  And oh we fight it.  We kick and scream and justify and negotiate and try everything to get out of it, but when we FINALLY give in, we find REST for our souls.
We learn that the burden is easy.  The yoke is light.  And we feel so much better afterwards, don't we?? “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Matthew 11:28-30 MSG (boldface mine)
So this afternoon, give into it.  Loosen your fists.  Drop your shoulders.  Relax your closed eyes.  Give in to Him.  And find rest.  

November 7, 2012

14 Weeks

Beautiful Baby,

Well, I'm 14 1/2 weeks along with you and the fun is just beginning.  Just a week and a half ago I felt your little movements for the first time.  These days I'm feeling you almost every evening.  Does that mean you'll be a night owl?

Last night, you let Papa in on the fun and gave him a good kick as we were laying down watching a movie with his hand over you. The look we exchanged in the dim light was full of joy and his smile reached ear to ear.

Do you know how much in love with you your Mama and Papa already are?

When we first told your big brother about you, he said he wanted, "only a broder."  Now he says, "a baby sester."  I sure am curious to find out what you are!

Your brother liked to sit on my bladder.  You seem to enjoy shoving yourself into my ribs.  I can sit down just fine.  With your bother I was squatting like guy in the military from about 20 weeks on.  Forget crossing my legs.  With you, I can sit just fine, but I imagine breathing might be interesting come the 3rd trimester.

Well, sweet one, there's not much to say yet.  But there will be lots more later.  In the mean time, you just keep on growing and we'll meet you soon enough.

Love and a tender tummy rub,

November 2, 2012

Colorado Springs Zoo

A couple of weeks ago, my family came into town and we took a trip to the Colorado Springs Zoo.  We had loads of fun, and I took lots of pictures.  And as you'll see... It was mainly a day all about Grandparents and kiddos!  :)  

Grandpa Shaun and Aunt Kiarri took Danny and his cousin Kaila on the ferris wheel.  Danny had NO IDEA what he was in for.  

Notice the smile?  Notice also the death grip he's got on the pole?

It took him a minute to get over the fright of the fact that it moves and it's noisy, but he did certainly enjoy himself!

I think Grandpa Shaun had fun too.  ;) 

Here's a fun game:  Let's chase the peacock!

There were horse-rides, which Danny opted out of.

Kaila opted in.

She loved it!

This is her cheesy smile, which cracks us all up!

Grammy and baby Zoey.

There was a cave that the kids spent approximately 20 minutes running in and out of.


Oh, there were animals there too.  ;-)

The Burns men and their girls!

The whole gang (with all the adults looking).  

The whole gang (with all the kids looking).  

Our little growing family:

Feeding giraffes:  Danny was so brave!